Is Chinese Military Modernization a Threat to the United States? (中)(1)

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    摘要 a nations military capital stockthe dollar value of its military hardwareisa measure of its forces modernity.The U.S.militarys capital stock is almost $1trillion.In contrast,  The United States spends about $400bil-lion a year on national defense andalone accounts for about 40percent of the worlds defense spending.There is somedispute about how much China spends because not all of its defense spending (forexample,the $1billion or$2billion a year China spends on Russian weapon systemswhich so alarms anti-Chinahawks in the United Statesis actually a sign of weakness in the Chinese defenseindustrial base.For example
    作者 admin
    机构地区 不详
    出处 《未知》 未知
    出版日期 2009年08月17日(中国Betway体育网页登陆平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)