Chinese naval com-mand and control is probably inadequate to manage a naval quarantine.Although China has more submarines and surface warships in its navy than does Taiwan,a naval blockadeusing Chinese submarines and surface ships would face some of the same problemsas an amphibious flotilla.The poor air defenses on Chinese surface ships wouldrender them vulnerable to attack by superior Taiwanese air power.In addition, In 1996China tried to intimidate Taiwan with missile tests in the Taiwan Straitduring Chinese military exercises at the time of the Taiwanese presidential elections.Those actions had the opposite effect of that intendedthe election outcome was notwhat the Chinese government had desired.Actual missile attacks on Taiwan for thepur-pose of terrorizing the Taiwanese population would probably cause an even greaterback-lash against China in Taiwan and the inter-national community and could triggerretal-iatory raids on the mainland by the superior Taiwanese air force.Neitherthe accuracy nor the numbers of Chinese missiles now permit them to have a significanteffect when used against Taiwanese military targets.As Chinese missiles becomemore numerous and accurate