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《系统医学》
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2015年1期
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针刺四缝穴治疗小儿痰热壅肺型咳嗽的临床疗效观察
针刺四缝穴治疗小儿痰热壅肺型咳嗽的临床疗效观察
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摘要
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3j78k35vd1/3859529
作者
王婷婷王海平江丽红毛黎明邵慧
机构地区
王婷婷王海平江丽红毛黎明邵慧上海市嘉定区中医院上海201800
出处
《系统医学》
2015年1期
关键词
四缝穴
小儿
痰热壅肺型咳嗽Objectiveto
observe
the
sifeng
point
acupuncture
treatment
of
infantile
phlegm
heat
indicates
the
clinical
curative
effect
of
type
lungcough.
Methods
cases
of
clinical
diagnosed
sputum
heat
type
indicates
lung
cough
were
randomly
divided
into
acupuncture
treatmentgroup
(50
cases)
and
drug
treatment
group
(50
cases)
sifeng
point
acupuncture
treatment
group
using
acupuncture
treatment
the
drugtherapy
group
was
treated
with
negative
cough
oral
liquid
comparison
and
analysis
the
clinical
curative
effect
after
treatment.
Results
theacupuncture
treatment
group
clinical
efficient
slightly
better
than
the
drug
therapy
group
(P
<
o.
05).
Conclusion
sifeng
point
acupuncturetreatment
of
infantile
phlegm
heat
type
indicates
lung
cough
has
a
certain
clinical
curative
effect.Keywordssifeng
point
Pediatric
phlegmy
heat
type
indicates
lung
cough中图分类号R473文献标识码A文章编号2096-0867(2015)-08-064-02
分类
[医药卫生][临床医学]
出版日期
2015年01月11日(中国Betway体育网页登陆平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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马海元.
清气化痰汤治疗痰热壅肺型咳嗽130例
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杨庆燕.
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徐艳娜.
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郭君芬,陈文娟,江鑫.
银黄清肺胶囊辅助治疗痰热壅肺证AECOPD疗效观察
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宫艳秋.
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贺蓓蓓.
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李苏曼.
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来源期刊
系统医学
2015年1期
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相关关键词
四缝穴
小儿
痰热壅肺型咳嗽Objectiveto
observe
the
sifeng
point
acupuncture
treatment
of
infantile
phlegm
heat
indicates
the
clinical
curative
effect
of
type
lungcough.
Methods
cases
of
clinical
diagnosed
sputum
heat
type
indicates
lung
cough
were
randomly
divided
into
acupuncture
treatmentgroup
(50
cases)
and
drug
treatment
group
(50
cases)
sifeng
point
acupuncture
treatment
group
using
acupuncture
treatment
the
drugtherapy
group
was
treated
with
negative
cough
oral
liquid
comparison
and
analysis
the
clinical
curative
effect
after
treatment.
Results
theacupuncture
treatment
group
clinical
efficient
slightly
better
than
the
drug
therapy
group
(P
<
o.
05).
Conclusion
sifeng
point
acupuncturetreatment
of
infantile
phlegm
heat
type
indicates
lung
cough
has
a
certain
clinical
curative
effect.Keywordssifeng
point
Pediatric
phlegmy
heat
type
indicates
lung
cough中图分类号R473文献标识码A文章编号2096-0867(2015)-08-064-02
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