简介:It was first published in 2001 and publishes monthly since then. It is an important English-language China business journal, offering unparalleled insight on China business news and information. Accommodating the demands of the market economy and the new trends emerging in the development of economic theories, China Business Review has timely updated its research fields and continuously adopted the new research methods of modern economics.
简介:Accommodating the demands of the market economy and the new trends emerging in the development of economic theories, the journal has timely updated its research fields and continuously adopted the new research methods of modern economics. It has obviously improved its quality and has generated important influence. So far, China-USA Business Review has became a comprehensive economic journal with basic theoretical research as its main task.
简介:学院学报原名《辽宁省经济管理干部学院院刊》,创办于1986年。后更名为《领导与管理》,内部出版,双月刊。1998年12月《领导与管理》经国家新闻出版署批准转为正式学术期刊,刊名为:辽宁经济管理干部学院学报,季刊,由辽宁经济管理干部学院主办,辽宁省经贸委主管。2003年随着学院的成功转制,学报更名为《辽宁经济职业技术学院 辽宁经济管理干部学院学报》,刊号为:CN21-1492/G。2009年1月学报从季刊改为双月刊,2018年学报主管单位变更为辽宁省教育厅。 2018年初,学报编辑部按照新的办刊理念推进期刊改革。办刊理念为"一目、三纲、五常"。"一目"即一个目标:打造有特色的高质量的学术期刊;"三纲"即内容体现三大宗旨:立足高职教育,服务现代产业,深耕管理创新;"五常"即常设五个栏目:现代产业经济、现代化管理与创新、人文与艺术、思想政治教育与积极教育、现代职业教育。