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《价值工程》
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2014年1期
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排舞在运城市市区的开展现状研究
排舞在运城市市区的开展现状研究
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摘要
院本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、观察法、数理统计法等方法,对排舞运动在运城市市区的开展的现状进行研究。结果表明运城市区的排舞运动开展良好,运城市市区排舞运动参与者对排舞运动锻炼身体重要性的认识很明确。运城市市区排舞参与者的男女比例失衡,以及年龄分布不均衡,运城市市区排舞运动的专业培训指导比较欠缺。因此要继续扩大排舞运动的宣传力度,使其得到更好的发展,从而提高运城市民的综合体质。
ojznzw3yj5/3412046
作者
尉丽敏
机构地区
TheDevelopmentSituationofLineDanceinYunchengCity尉丽敏WEILi-min曰牛晓强NIUXiao-qiang(西安体育学院研究生部,西安710068)(GraduateDepartmentofXi'anPhysicalEducationUniversity,Xi'an710068,China)
出处
《价值工程》
2014年1期
关键词
Abstract
This
paper
researches
the
development
situation
of
line
dance
in
Yuncheng
city
through
the
methods
of
literature
questionnaire
observation
and
mathematical
statistics.
The
results
show
that
the
development
situation
of
line
dance
sport
is
good
inYuncheng
city
and
the
participants
have
a
clear
awareness
about
the
importance
of
line
dance
sport
for
physical
exercise.
In
the
line
dancesport
of
Yuncheng
city
the
proportion
of
men
and
women
is
imbalance
the
age
distribution
is
uneven
and
the
professional
training
andguidance
are
comparative
defective
so
the
propaganda
efforts
should
continue
to
be
expanded
to
make
it
have
a
better
development
andthen
improve
the
comprehensive
physique
of
Yuncheng's
citizens.院排舞运动
开展状况
对策Key
words
line
dance
sport
development
situation
countermeasure中图分类号院G812.4
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)01-0283-020
引言排舞源于70
年代的美国西部乡村舞曲,也叫牛仔舞。
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年01月11日(中国Betway体育网页登陆平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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张伟.
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.体育训练,2013-08.
俞远文.
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.体育学,2016-09.
张华芳.
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.教育学,2019-08.
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姚建信.
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.林学,2007-04.
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潘峰赵丽陈军宏闫鑫.
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.公共卫生与预防医学,2014-12.
赵玉山.
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来源期刊
价值工程
2014年1期
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Abstract
This
paper
researches
the
development
situation
of
line
dance
in
Yuncheng
city
through
the
methods
of
literature
questionnaire
observation
and
mathematical
statistics.
The
results
show
that
the
development
situation
of
line
dance
sport
is
good
inYuncheng
city
and
the
participants
have
a
clear
awareness
about
the
importance
of
line
dance
sport
for
physical
exercise.
In
the
line
dancesport
of
Yuncheng
city
the
proportion
of
men
and
women
is
imbalance
the
age
distribution
is
uneven
and
the
professional
training
andguidance
are
comparative
defective
so
the
propaganda
efforts
should
continue
to
be
expanded
to
make
it
have
a
better
development
andthen
improve
the
comprehensive
physique
of
Yuncheng's
citizens.院排舞运动
开展状况
对策Key
words
line
dance
sport
development
situation
countermeasure中图分类号院G812.4
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)01-0283-020
引言排舞源于70
年代的美国西部乡村舞曲,也叫牛仔舞。
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